5 Tools Text Editor for Creating Text Files in Terminals - Which again confused how to create text files in terminals want it to be based on unix or linux, ane will give 5 text editors to create text files and how to use them.
Ane uses carrying tools that are certainly in every unix / linux operating system and also many people use around the world from a network engginer, sysadmin, and programmers using this tool to create text files.
Here using unix-based FreeBSD to practice from 5 tools to create text files, for users who do not use other than freebsd can adjust, want it when installing tools that do not have an operating system, many koo installation documentation that will be discussed as the title above.
It is mandatory for a system administrator how to create a text file, which is usually a text file is used for configuration files on the server, whether it is filled in by the user or filled in by the system automatically.
Here are the Tools for Creating Text Files in the Terminal
- Touch - Change File TimeStamps
Command Line
touch FileName
Ane example here gives the name of thetouchnew file for the new text file, if using this command, the contents of the text file are still blank.
- echo - display a line of text
echo "string" > FileName
echo "string" >> FileName
- cat - concatenate files
cat > FileName
cat >> FileName
When using the paint tool, the user must enter a sentence after pressing enter on the keyboard, to exit the paint tool press the combination on the keyboard ctrl + d .
- nano - Nano's ANother editor, an enhanced free pico clone
nano FileName
exit : ctrl + x
help : ctrl + g
- vi - screen-oriented (visual) display editor
- vim - Vi IMproved, a programmer's text editor
vi FileName