Download High Quality Youtube Videos with FreeBSD Terminal

Download high quality youtube videos with freebsd terminals - In this article ane will give tips on how to download youtube videos quickly just by using the freebsd unix terminal, make sure you have prepared a virtual machine containing a freebsd operating system or installed permanently.

Here using open source / free software, where users can modify or develop the source code of the software, without having to pay to the software maker.

For software installation is very easy, including how to use it, for the download process is very fast because it uses cli mode or text mode, the advantage of using cli mode is not too much computer resources from using gui mode.

The application used to download youtube videos using youtube-dl is an open source download manager application that can download video and audio from youtube as the source, this youtube-dl application is released under the unlicense license.

Python, pip, and youtube-dl installation in FreeBSD Terminal

Youtube-dl is built using the python programming language and runs with command mode in the terminal, besides that youtube-dl can be installed not only in freebsd it can also be any operating system such as unix, linux, windows, and android as long as python is installed.


when installing software in the terminal, make sure the root user is activated.

  • Install Python

Command Line

su -

pkg install -y python

Install pip

Command Line 
pkg install -y py38-pip

Install youtube-dl

Command Line
pip install youtube-dl

View parameters from youtube-dl

Command Line
youtube-dl --help

How to Use youtube-dl

Displaying video formats from a youtube channe

Command Line
youtube-dl -F link-video-youtube
This example will see the format supported from the youtube video from band linkin park what I've Done, place the cursor over the video to be checked for support video format, and then right-click copy link addresss paste in the freebsd terminal.

For how to download it is enough to enter the format to be downloaded, here ane will download video clicks from band linkin park what I've done with the best format, namely formt 18, to see the format, can check from the results of the previous check above see in the format section of the first section.

Here ane will download youtube video band linkin park what i've done with good quality.

Command Line 
youtube-dl -f 18 link-video-youtube

Here are the downloaded results from youtube videos, for the playback of the downloaded video will be adjusted to the title of the video and added a label on the back of the title, as the example below.

Download Quick Technique videos

For users who do not want to be complicated can enter the command

Command Line 
youtube-dl link-video-youtube

Download Video with Text File Containing Link Set
 Here ane will enter a random video link, which amounts to 3 video links with the txt file name list-link.txt.

For users want to use this method make sure to create their txt file, which already contains links that will be downloaded en masse.

Command Line
youtube-dl -cia nama-file-txt

Well that's how to download high-quality youtube videos by using the terminal in freebsd, youtube-dl application can be installed in addition to freebsd, users just follow the way of installation in each operating system that will run youtube-dl.
