What is a FreeBSD Operating System? Completed

In this article ane will introduce a freebsd operating system, many people do not know about this freebsd operating system, because it is not as popular as the operating system out there used by users, where FreeBSD is derived from unix open source code, which means anyone can modify according to the brand's wishes without having to pay a license to the creator.

FreeBSD, one of the reliable free software operating systems used as a server.

History of FreeBSD

FreeBSD operating system based on UNIX, derived from AT and T, FreeBSD is a branch of BSD with 386BSD and 4.3BSD Lite operating systems, in addition FreeBSD derivative of Berkeley Software Distribution UNIX but not can not be called UNIX.

FreeBSD License

FreeBSD is built with a lot of open software licenses, but the majority of the world's average open source licensed open source is the freedom to users in modifying the source code and the distribution of freebsd software is very free.

What is FreeBSD?

FreeBSD is a unix-based operating system derived from Berkeley Software Distribution or in bsd short, this unix version was first developed by the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. FreeBSD was first released in 1993 and released the latest version 11.1 in 2017.

FreeBSD is a distro with a bsd free license / open source code, freebsd gives everyone the freedom to modify the source code of the freebsd itself without giving restrictions.

FreeBSD supports a wide variety of architectural platforms such as:

  • amd64 (Opteron, Athlon64, dan EM64T)
  • i386 (Pentium dan Athlon)
  • powerpc
  • powerpc64
  • sparc64
  • aarch64
  • arm
  • IA-64
  • PC-98
  • DEC Alpha

FreeBSD 6.4 is the last release for dec alpha architecture and no longer supports the latest versions of freebsd that use the DEC Alpha architecture.

FreeBSD has the main features of its operating system:
  1. Network
  2. Performance
  3. Security
  4. Compatibility

FreeBSD based on 4.4 BSD industry standard UNIX is easy when compiling and running applications on freebsd, besides bsd provides a complete source of code such as unix kernel, daemons, utilities and programs, FreeBSd can be modified whether it is personal, organizational or corporate.

In addition, freebsd already provides port collection and package colletion for users who want to use freebsd.

Port Collection is a set of Makefiles, patches, and file descriptions used to compile and install applications on freebsd, where applications that are still source code must first be compiled before being paired on the freebsd operating system.
Package Collection is the opposite of Port collection where users do not need to compile first on the application that wants to run on freebsd, just do one application installation can already be used by the user.

What can we use with FreeBSD

The following are the things that are commonly used in the use of freebsd
  • For NAT firewalls along with Packet filtering
  • To use it as a Home media server
  • Web content filtering proxy
  • As NAS – 4x1TB with ZFS
  • As a system for storing files with different extensions that use the internet as its transmission medium.
  • For Dynamic DNS services
  • Apache web server
  • MySQL
  • Moodle
  • As a DNS server

FreeBSD Users in the World

With the advantages of the FreeBSD operating system and open source licensing having a positive impact from usage to continue to increase, many private users or companies want it for open source or commercial products that use freebsd as the main operating system.

Here are the giant IT companies that use the FreeBSD operating system as the main system

Apache Software Foundation is used for server infrastructure.
  • Apple: used to build the OS X and iOS operating systems.
  • Cisco: IronPort for network security and anti-spam by using the modified FreeBSD kernel.
  • Dell KACE: Dell KACE management system that runs FreeBSD due to its reliability, scalability, and broad community support in the world's continuity of development.
  • iXsystems: TrueNAS for network storage needs that use the internet for data transfer to physical storage media.
  • Juniper: JunOS operating system that runs on Juniper network devices on its products such as routers, switches, firewalls, etc.
  • McAfee: A company that focuses on security services whose products such as SecureOS, enterprise firewalls, etc.
  • Netflix: OpenConnect, streaming video to all Netflix subscribers around the world, aims to keep users comfortable while streaming.
  • Sony: PlayStation 4, which is an offline gaming company that is very famous among game lovers.
  • Sophos: Sophos Email Appliance, security for emails such as anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-malware, companies that prioritize the security of electronic mail or E-mail.
  • Verisign: Verisign is more focused on handling all domain addresses that are .com and .net.
  • WhatsApp: a chat app owned by the giant Facebook uses FreeBSD as a server, and facebook launched the latest service from Facebook, the Metaverse.

Open source products that use the FreeBSD operating system

  1. BSD Router
  2. FreeNAS
  3. GhostBSD
  4. NAS4Free
  5. OPNsense
  6. TrueOS
  7. pfSense
  8. ZRouter

Large corporate websites that use the FreeBSD Operating System as infrastructure.

Pair Networks
Sony Japan

What is the use of FreeBSD?

The first and biggest advantage of FreeBSD is that it can be used as an operating system for general purposes. Until now, we know that it can be used as an operating system so that it can be used for various needs.

  • As a Server – FreeBSD generally contains a lot of important software associated with the server in the basic system and port collection. The availability of many of these important software allows us to easily configure FreeBSD easily and use it as a web server, Firewall, FTP server, DNS server, mail server, or router.
  • As an Embedded System – Can be used as an embedded system as it can be easily expanded to support PowerPC, MIPS, and as ARM
  • In Network – FreeBSD TCP/IP stacks greatly contribute to the deployment of this protocol. It supports various networks such as IPSec, SCTP, IPv6, while wireless networks are above others. Even FreeBSD supports older protocols such as
  • IPX and AppleTalk. Also, until now, FreeBSD supports CARP, which stands for Common Address Redundancy Protocol. The Common Address Redundancy Protocol is imported from OpenBSD. CARP helps us allow multiple nodes to share the same set of IP addresses. The basic advantage of this is that if one node crashes, then another node exists to serve the request.

It usually releases soft updates that can protect the consistency of the UFS file system. Here UFS stands for Unix File System. This maintenance of the UFS file system helps us if the system crashes; file system snapshots allow instant file creation during other useful processes; this snapshot allows us to take reliable backups of the file system directly.

A modular framework called GEOM provides current RAID levels 0, 1, and 3, caching, merging, full disk encryption, and access to network-supported storage. GEOM also allows building a complex chain of storage solutions with this mechanism.

Advantages of FreeBSD Operating System

Free / Open Source Operating System
Third Party software support also makes it easy to manage, add and remove applications, with just one command on teminal everything is downloaded, always checked for integrity.
Secure, Power Full, Patch is always updated, spread all over the world for FreeBSD developers.
It is highly recommended once to be used as the main server because it is stable enough to run server applications.
Documentation about freebsd is quite complete on the official website

Disadvantages of FreeBSD Operating System

Not too much computer hardware support
lack of hardware input and output support
It is not yet clear what the future of the freebsd operating system will be because it is very slow for developers.

Unique things about FreeBSD

The average user in the world uses a freebsd operating system for the purposes of its servers whether it is private, corporate and commercial, which is famous for its toughness, reliability in carrying out processes on server computers.

Very few users use the FreeBSD operating system for use on personal computers used for daily needs.

How to Get FreeBSD Operating System Files

Ente can download on the official website freebsd, will be presented with 2 types of freebsd files that are full and minimalist for the characteristics between full and minimalist can be seen from the file size of the freebsd operating system.

In addition to a place to download freebsd files, you can get complete information such as user documentation from freebsd, forums that discuss freebsd, the latest features added to freebsd, news about freebsd, freebsd events.