6 Compression Apps for Files and Folders in Terminals

6 Compression Applications for Files and Folders in Terminals - In this article ane will discuss compress files and folders in the terminal, for compress applications a lot of its types from its very beautiful look in view to the look of dislike by users and from paid to free ones.

For the average compress application size file size is very small, this compress application is very mandatory on the computer for the need to minimize the collection of files in place in one folder.

What is Compression?

Compression is a way to do to compress data want it folders that contain files or files, so it only requires a little space in addition to saving space used for other files.

There are 2 compression techniques. 

  • Data compaction, without loss

Data compaction techniques without loss are able to condense data and return it exactly the same original. No information is lost or should be reduced in the process to reduce the large size of the data. Usually this type of data compaction algorithm uses the principle of statistical redundancy so that data can be stored more concisely. Because most data used daily has repetitive or redundant data.

  • Data compaction,loss 

With this technique, small data loss is still acceptable. By eliminating unimportant data can save storage space, when the data is returned to the original version will occur to data defects because there are files that are lost.

In this article ane will discuss compression data compaction techniques, without loss, which are free (Opens Source)lic, for users to use the command line to run it.

.zip format

  • Compress .zip uses only 1 file.
Command Line
zip name-compress-zip file 
Ane example has a txt file named file_angga.txt, ane compress with zip with the file name-angga.zip.

  • Compress .zip with more than 1 file
Command Line
zip name-compress-zip name-file
Ane has 3 txt files, with the names file1, file2, and file3. ane unite and compress into one zip file with the name of the file-set.zip.

  • Compress folders into .zip format
Command Line
zip -r name-compress-zip name-folder
Example of compress 3 folders with the names dir1, dir2, dir3, into 1 piece of compress zip with the name of the collection-folder.zip

  • Uncompress zip format
Command Line
unzip nama_file_compress_zip
An example of uncompress zip format with a collection-folder name.zip and results from uncompress with folder names dir1, dir2, and dir3.

Uncompress zip format, the results are directed to another folder

Command Line

unzip compress_zip_file_name -d folder_where_uncompress_results

The result of uncompress ane point to the results-uncompress folder, which contains the dir1, dir2, and dir3 folders.

.gz format

This gz format is commonly used to compress database dump files or database backup files.

  • Compress files with .gz format

Command Line
gzip -k file_name
An example of compress file1.txt with gz format, the result becomes file1.gz

  • Uncompress format gz
Command Line
gzip -dk compress_name

Format tar.gz

  • Compress tar format.gz
Command Line
tar czvf compress_name.tar.gz file_name or folder_name
tar xzvf compress_name.tar.g

  • Uncompress tar format.gz
Command Line
tar xzvf name_compress.tar.gz -C folder_name_where_uncompress_results
Ane puts uncompress results from compress file folder.tar.gz to uncompress results folder

Format tar.xz

  • Compress format tar.xz
Command Line
tar cJvf name_compress.tar.xz file or folder

  • Uncompress format tar.xz
Command Line
tar xJvf name_compress.tar.xz -C folder name_where_uncompress _results 
tar xJvf name_compress.tar.xz

Format tar.bz2

  • Compress format tar.bz2
Command Line

tar cjvf name_compress.tar.bz2 file or folder

  • Uncompress format tar.bz2
Command Line
tar xjvf name_compress.tar.bz2 -C folder_name_where_uncompress_results 
tar xjvf name_compress.tar.bz2

Format .7z

  • Compress .7z format
Command Line 
7z a compress_name.7z file or folder

  • list format .7z
Command Line 
7z l name_compress.7z

  • Uncompress format .7z
Command Line
7z e name_compress.7z -o folder
7z e name_compress.7z

The 6 Compression Applications for Files and Folders in the Terminal, ane in the article here uses the command line mode all for its users, but don't worry now it is the GUI (Graphic User Interface) version.
